Delivery: H-5256
Delivery: H-5256
Heavy Rescue
Central Fire Protection District #4
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Thank you Chief Bill Porche and the Central Fire Protection District #4
Customer Info
Department: Central Fire Protection District #4
City: Baton Rouge
State: Louisiana
Chief: Chief Bill Porche
Truck Info
Type: Heavy Rescue
Chassis: Igniter
Body: Extruded Aluminum Body
Pump: N/A
Tank: N/A
Features: 4 anchor points for portable winch; Warn 9,000# capacity portable winch; Federal Q2B siren; Whelen PCP2 12V LED brow and recessed lights; Whelen PFP1 12V LED recessed lights; Whelen LED warning lights; Whelen PFP2 120V LED tripod lights; Harrison 10k