Delivery: H-6153
Delivery: H-6153
HD-77 Ladder
Jackson Center VFD
Jackson Center, Pennsylvania
Thank you Chief Marvin McAfoose and the Jackson Center VFD
Customer Info
Department: Jackson Center VFD
City: Jackson Center
State: Pennsylvania
Chief: Chief Marvin McAfoose
Truck Info
Type: HD-77 Ladder
Chassis: Cinder - Cummins ISL9 450 hp engine, Allison 3000 EVS transmission, 218” wheelbase; 37’ 4.5” overall length; 11’ 6” overall height, Ferrara F-Shield frame protection
Body: Extruded Aluminum Body - Left side full height x 24" deep compartments; Right side full height compartment ahead of rear wheels; Right side EZ-Stack hose bed; ROM roll up doors
Aerial: Heavy duty 3-section aerial ladder, 100,000 psi steel construction, 500 pound tip load flowing 1500 GPM, Elkhart 8294 1500 GPM monitor, 1500 GPM rated waterway
Pump: Side Mount - Hale QMAX 2000 GPM
Tank: 500 gallon water