Delivery: H-4997
Delivery: H-4997
Industrial Apparatus
CHS Laurel Refinery
Laurel, Montana
Thank you Chief Brad Kimble and the CHS Laurel Refinery
Customer Info
Department: CHS Laurel Refinery
City: Laurel
State: Montana
Chief: Chief Brad Kimble
Truck Info
Type: Industrial Apparatus
Chassis: Igniter
Body: Extruded Aluminum Body
Pump: Side Mount - Hale 8FG 3000 GPM pump; Class 1 TPG+ pressure governor; Akron Navigator electric valve controls; Double crosslays; Left and right side 5” discharges; Two rear 6” discharges; Two rear 4” deck gun discharges with two 2000 GPM Akron Stream Master 3578 monitors and 5178 nozzles
Foam: Williams Hot Shot II 150 balanced pressure foam system
Tank: 1000 gallon water; L-shaped foam tank
Features: Whelen LED Scenelights; Whelen Pioneer PCP2 brow lights; Whelen LED warning lights; On Scene Solutions LED compartment lights; 2 Whelen PCP2 12V LED telescopic lights